Causes of homelessness?
There are many causes of homelessness, for example, when the children leave their family home to live alone without income. Some people have bad relationship with their parents who may be acting strangely because they are breaking up with their partners. War and conflict can also be causes of homelessness. These causes have resulted in Syria that some people loss their home and stay in tents.
Unemployment can also lead to the loss of a person's home because they did not have income to spend it of them self.
According to O'Connell.J.2004"Chronic illness is also common: many homeless people have hypertension, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, respiratory problems, and liver and renal disease."
Possible solutions to homelessness?
Firstly,the government and the corporate charity must work together to build especial building for work and hostel for a nominal fee.The building for work should be have many suction of craft ship ,because there are many of homelessness who are did not have finished their studies.On this case no body need to stay in street to ask foe money. On the other hand, when this people have job and salary,they can have place to sleep(hostel),they can buy a best quality of foods.But this solution maybe is unfair for normal people because,the normal people have to finished their studies and for job.
Secondly,the government should work with hospital centres to provide health care for homeless people.According to Cheung.A,Hwang.S.2004"Homeless people are at high risk for illness and have higher death rates than the general population." The reason stable of this issue is that,the most of homeless people are out side and this lead to diseases.Every body need to worm ear and clean place(house).As the result, the government and hospital centres must protect homeless people from illness.
Cheung.A,Hwang.S.2004.Risk of death among homeless women: a cohort study and review of the literature.CMAJ.Available at:http://www.cmaj.ca/content/170/8/1243.abstract?ijkey=8fb97af9fad6dffe5adea5e3020718a2aaecd3c3&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha ( Accessed:27/January/2014).
O'Connell.J.2004.Dying in the shadows: the challenge of providing health care for homeless people.CMAJ.Available at:http://www.cmaj.ca/content/170/8/1243.abstract?ijkey=8fb97af9fad6dffe5adea5e3020718a2aaecd3c3&keytype2=tf_ipsecshahttp://www.cmaj.ca/content/170/8/1243.abstract?ijkey=8fb97af9fad6dffe5adea5e3020718a2aaecd3c3&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha ( Accessed:27/January/2014).
An interesting start to semester 2. Well done for referencing in your text and at the end. However some parts of this blog are unclear. Please check your grammar and spelling.