Friday, 21 March 2014

Poverty and Crime


Poverty and Crime


This is most important issues nowadays that how are the connection between the poverty and crime. The poverty is the main element in this case. This was indicated in the study by Aldridge et al.  (2012).'' The 'low-pay, no-pay' jobs market keeps millions in poverty and holds the economy back The annual Monitoring poverty report, written by the New Policy Institute, analyses trends to tell the story of poverty in the UK today''. In addition, this group of the people who did not have money, they may think in negative way to get a money and eat, for instance, commit a crime like kill someone to steal their money or selling the drugs According to Tylor (2006) that most of crimes committed are simply and the main reasons are steal food for their children for the evening or to break into a home or business to have shelter. In addition this may to spread scary for the public.

The government should help these by provide a job for them. However the public may argued because they still afraid from this people. Therefore, the everybody must support any one who did not have job or house to reduce the percentage of poverty and crime in the future.


Aldridge,H. kenway,P. Maclnnes,T. Parekh,A. (2012). Is tackling in-work poverty the key for anti-poverty initiatives. JRF. Available at:
( Accessed:20/march/2014).

Taylor, B. 2006. Poverty Leads to Crime. Available at:
 ( Accessed:20/march/2014).





Globally, people interested in creating a welfare life to themselves and to their families. It is believed that the United Kingdom is one of the most countries which provide a welfare life to their citizens. The UK also is known as welfare state.  According to Oxford Dictionary (2014) "A system whereby the state undertakes to protect the health and well-being of its citizens, especially those in financial or social need, by means of grants, pensions, and other benefits." It is believed that the UK provides benefits to their citizens such as pension and also supply a finical support to people such as, pregnant women and people who retired. This essay will look at the advantages and disadvantages of  having this system.
First of all, pensions is one example of the benefits that is paid by the UK government to people when they reach the retirement age.This Money (2014) stated that The retirement age for women is 60 years old , and 65 years for men. Nevertheless, the UK government has increased the age of retirement to 68 for both gender, because the UK government argue that people live longer and could afford to work this is show that the pensions is not more affordable by the government(, 2014). However, it is argued that the new law of increasing the retirement age would not beneficial for some elderly, because it might cause health problems and these people will be more stress and under pressure.In addition, it is considered that the age of 65 is the ideal age to take a rest from working and retire, claim to retire is not just about pension and money, yet, people maybe would like much more time to enjoy their life and leave the stress of their jobs.
In the United kingdom, the government supply a finical support to pregnant women. NHS Choices (2014) said that once a lady being pregnant, it is allowed by the govenment to have up to 52 weeks off from work with full-paid salary. A pregnant lady under 18 get a fincal support and other support such as milk and baby powder(ibid).
Oxford Dictionar , 2014. welfare state. Avilable at: 
( Accessed:19/march/2014).

This Money , 2014.  New state pension age: As we're all told to work longer, when will you be able to retire. Available at:
( Accessed:19/march/2014). , 2014. Retirement age. Available at:
 ( Accessed:19/march/2014).



The Role of Journalists


The Role of Journalists

What is the main purpose of a journalist?

According to AMERICAN PRESS (2014) "The purpose of journalism is thus to provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments." However there are some news the journalist can not publish it.
Journalists' jobs are hard and exiting . However they have to put a reference to confirm the information that is p There are tow kinds of journalist, there are journalist covered the exclusive news in side the country , for example, if there is crime they should ask the police and the witnesses to have enough information.
There are journalist covered the news out side the country, for instance, the society issues in Syria that some people loss their home. According to(lauren,2013) journalists should be honest about their backgrounds and biases so that readers can understand the reasons for the opinions of the journalists.


AMERICAN PRESS , 2014. What is the purpose of journalism. Available at:
( Accessed:21/march/2014).

lauren , 2013. What is the role of journlist.Team kenan.Available at:
 ( Accessed:21/march/2014).



Youth Unemployment in the UK


Youth Unemployment in the UK

Nowadays, there are many  young people who do not have job. According to Sellgren ( 2014 ) "As many as three quarters of a million young people in the UK may feel that they have nothing to live for", a study for the Prince's Trust charity claims.  Then they going to sell the drugs ,steal or ask for money. According to Cohen (1995) " The first suggested that the rise in crime over the past 20 years is far more closely connected with the rise in mass unemployment than even left-wing commentators had previously believed." This may effects of the economic of the country because the percent of people who work for the country will decrease. Therefore the young people have a big role in developing the country.
However, every problem in this world have solution, that the government must support young people by afford them to finish their studies. This may help increase the rate of employment in the UK. It is recommended from families in the UK to help youth employment , this could solved the problem in the future. 

Sellgren.K , 2014. Young people 'feel they have nothing to live for'. Available at:
 ( Accessed:20/march/2014).
 Cohen , N ,1995. What causes crime. Available at:
 ( Accessed:20/march/2014).