Friday, 21 March 2014

The Role of Journalists


The Role of Journalists

What is the main purpose of a journalist?

According to AMERICAN PRESS (2014) "The purpose of journalism is thus to provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments." However there are some news the journalist can not publish it.
Journalists' jobs are hard and exiting . However they have to put a reference to confirm the information that is p There are tow kinds of journalist, there are journalist covered the exclusive news in side the country , for example, if there is crime they should ask the police and the witnesses to have enough information.
There are journalist covered the news out side the country, for instance, the society issues in Syria that some people loss their home. According to(lauren,2013) journalists should be honest about their backgrounds and biases so that readers can understand the reasons for the opinions of the journalists.


AMERICAN PRESS , 2014. What is the purpose of journalism. Available at:
( Accessed:21/march/2014).

lauren , 2013. What is the role of journlist.Team kenan.Available at:
 ( Accessed:21/march/2014).



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